FOWSP is a volunteer group of 241 families, with an interest in the conservation and rehabilitation of native bushland in the Warrandyte State Park. Formed in 1982, FOWSP is now one of the largest and most active “Friends” groups in the state.
The aim of our group is to foster awareness of the natural values of the Park and to assist the Rangers in the care and protection of both the State Park and the Warrandyte-Kinglake Nature Conservation Reserve. Our Group also runs an indigenous plant nursery in the Pound Bend area of the Park. We also provide information on indigenous plants, weeds and various aspects of bushland conservation to our local community.
Your donation can help FOWSP! Please have a look at the following page to see if you can help us financially.
The Nursery is open for plant sales:
The Nursery is closed Christmas Day, New Years Day and days of extreme weather.