Native plants have an important role in cleaning and filtering water before it returns to the river.
The aquatic plants that grow in these dams and the moisture-loving fringing plants around the water's edge are vital to the health of our waterways. These plants trap sediment in their roots. They soak up and filter excessive nutrients and contaminants from flowing ground water and surface water.
Water that runs through Frogland comes from the road and other hard surfaces. Particularly after heavy rain, the water picks up nutrients from fertilisers and mulch as well as pollutants from motor vehicles. It also carries particles of soil and gravel that have eroded from as far as the ridgeline. Without the vegetation of Frogland, these substances would be washed into the river. The improved water quality allows not only frogs, but a wide range of invertebrates to flourish in Frogland.
Help slow the flow of water in urban areas.
Frog ponds throughout urban areas help to slow down water run-off from hard surfaces and reduce flash flooding. If every home had a frog pond, the filtered water that reaches our urban creeks would be cleaner, improving water quality and local biodiversity.
Melbourne Water have lots of ideas, and instructions for building a "rain garden" at home. See this Melbourne Water webpage for more information.
Indigenous plants to the Warrandyte area, which may be suitable...